Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Photos to Wood

My father moved to the United States from Italy in 1974. Last year was his 40th anniversary so I wanted to make him something special. Pictured bottom left is my fathers original green card photo taken when he was just 9 years old. (A cutie patootie I know)! Using some easily obtained supplies, a few simple steps, and a whole lot of patience; I was able to transform this sentimental photograph into a work of art. 

Materials: matte brush on modge podge, gloss gel, paint brush, wood, towel, laser print     pictures, sponge  

Open your photos on the computer and edit them so they are the MIRROR IMAGE of themselves. This is critical, if you don't reverse the image before you apply it to the wood, it will come off the paper backwards. Just as importantly, make sure the size of your image is appropriate for the wood you picked out (I obviously had to enlarge mine a little).

Coat your photo graph using the gloss gel with a paint brush, when you've covered the image, lay it down flat on the wood and smooth out for air bubbles.

Cover your wood and paper with a damp towel, and let cure for 24 hours. 

This is where the patience come into play. Using your thumbs, damp towel or sponge, GENTLY peel and rub away at the paper to reveal your image underneath, DO NOT try and rush this process, or you could risk damaging your photo and have to start over.

Once you successfully remove all the excess paper from your image, seel your project with 1-2 layers of brush on matte mod podge.

My favorite thing about projects like these is that they look way more challenging then they are and are super impressive to show off! Your friends and family will think you're a crafting genius, these also make GREAT gifts!

Pictured here are (Right to Left) a photo of the house my father was born and raised in, his green card photo I showed you earlier, a photo of him, his brother and sister (my aunt and uncle), as well as the date he moved here. 

Happy Crafting!


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